STORY # 17 THE MASTER CHRIS COLLECTION THE SECRETARY ________________________________________________________________ You thought that you would always be a homemaker. When you got married it looked great and then it seemed routine and then, it was five years later and you thought that that was it. Now, here you are, back as a secretary in a new job. You have been working for a full week now and you are beginning to settle in. You found that your fingers remembered how to type even when you thought that you had forgotten. Your supervisor is a svelte looking woman who has a particularly stern manner. Your boss is one of the most attractive men you know. He is tall, strong, dark haired with the sexiest voice you have ever heard. His name is Mr. Rusko and he and your supervisor, Miss Branck have made every effort to start you off in the new job. They told you that you would have a one week trial period and that you had that time to get yourself back up to speed. They were very generous in telling you that any mistakes made during the trial period would be forgiven. Miss Branck was very pleasant as she pointed out the errors that you had made and by the end of the week, she almost none to show you. You were pleased that both she and Mr. Rusko complimented you on your work. You noticed, however, that some of the other girls who have been with the company a while did not get the same treatment over their mistakes. Just before you left the office on Friday, you remember seeing Jeannie, the girl in the desk next to yours, called by Miss Branck. Jeannie looked nervous as she went over to talk to her. You saw that Miss Branck looked very strict while she talked to her. Jeannie wasn't very talkative when she came back to her desk and when you invited her out for an after work drink, she told you that she had to stay late to speak to Mr. Rusko and Miss Branck. She looked awfully nervous and you wonder why. Surely they wouldn't fire her for some typing mistakes, you think to yourself. Now, as you enter the office, you see that Jeannie is already at her desk looking as chipper as ever. "Good Morning Jeannie.", you say to her pleasantly. "Hi there.", she replies. "How did your Friday meeting go with the gruesome twosome?", you joke. Jeannie immediately blushes red and she avoids your look. "It was O.K.", she stammers. This has you even more curious. "Did you get into trouble?", you ask. She nods her head. "How come you're so nervous about it.", you ask her. She looks over at you coyly. "You'll find out.", she says. Now you are really curious. What does she mean? "Tell me.", you say. Jeannie blushes again. "I can't.", she whispers. You insist and finally she relents. "O.K.", she says, "but you can't tell anyone I told you." You promise. "Well, sometimes, when I've made a lot of mistakes, Miss Branck and Mr. Rusko make me stay after work is over and then they punish me for my mistakes." Your eyes open wide in disbelief as a shiver runs down your spine. "What do you mean?", you say. "It's not just me.", says Jeannie, "most of the younger girls get punished that way. When I first got told to stay late, I was brought up to Mr. Rusko's office and they made me sit down and then they told me about all of my mistakes. There weren't a lot but they made a big deal about it. They finally gave me a choice. They said that they knew that I was capable of good work and that I could either leave the company or choose to be punished by them. Anyway, I didn't want to leave, so I let them punish me." You face is flushed at this story and you notice that your pussy is already soaking wet at the story. "How did they punish you?", you ask. Jeannie hesitates a long time before she answers, "They spanked me just like a little girl." You are really in an uproar now. Jeannie turns back to your work and you start on your own but your mind is in a turmoil. The image of young Jeannie being turned over Mr. Rusko's knee turns you on like crazy. Dominance and submission games are your favorite thing anyway and you imagine that Jeannie is lying across your knee and that you are lifting her skirt and lowering her panties. You look over at her and pretend that her thighs and buttocks are slowly becoming revealed. Your thoughts drift in and out of the exciting thoughts all morning and by the time lunch rolls around, you take a break in the washroom to masturbate. You have to bite your tongue while your fingers bring your wet pussy to a shattering orgasm in only a few strokes. You are a little calmer after lunch, but every time you look at Jeannie, you get turned on all over again. Miss Branck calls you over in the late afternoon. "The work you did last week was actually very high in quality.", she tells you, "But I see that there are a number of rather simple mistakes in today's effort. This is really not acceptable. I will expect an immediate improvement or I'll have to take some kind of action." You are embarrassed at the scolding and you resolve yourself to improve your work. You continue on with your day and your work does improve. At home that night, your thoughts turn again to the 'punishments' of Miss Branck and Mr. Rusko. You wonder what it would be like to be submissive to the two of them at once. The thought is at once exciting and disconcerting. Our lovemaking that night is the best it has been in ages and you surrender yourself totally to it. You ask me to tie your hands together and you love the feeling of being helpless while being brought to an orgasm. The next morning, you arrive to work with a glow on your face and it doesn't go unnoticed by Jeannie. "Great night last night?", she teases. You blush as you tell her about your lovemaking. Her eyes open wide. "You really let him tie you up?", she asks. You nod your head. "I could tell you a lot of stuff I've done.", you tell her. "But, I'd better do it after work." Jeannie looks so interested that maybe you'll actually tell her some of the things you have done. You promise to go out with her after work and exchange girl-talk. She would probably be turned on about finding out what it would be like to submit herself to someone else totally. Work continues as per usual but again today you are distracted by the thoughts of your own sexuality. Just before the end of the day, Miss Branck calls you over to her desk. "Your work still contains a number of mistakes.", she says, "I am really quite surprised. I think that your quality was better last week than today. In any case, Mr. Rusko and I would like to speak to you about it today right after work. Please wait for me and we'll go up to his office together." Your heart skips a beat. Your mind goes into overdrive and you head back to your desk as though you are in a daze. You wonder if they plan to punish you just like Jeannie. What would that be like you think. You hope that they don't and you hope that they do. Jeannie looks at you curiously as you sit down. "Are you O.K.?", she asks. You nod your head. "I have to stay late tonight.", you tell her, "Maybe we could meet later instead." Her eyes open wide. "Oh...", she says. She writes her address down on a piece of paper. It is not far from the office. A few short minutes later, you and Miss Branck are alone in the office. "Come with me.", she says. You follow her to the elevator and up to the fourth floor. You notice that your hands are perspiring and that you are really nervous. You enter Mr. Rusko's office and sit down as instructed. Miss Branck sits next to you. "Well, young lady", says Mr. Rusko, "It seems that our congratulations were premature. Now, I know that you are capable of quality work so the only conclusion I can come to is that you simply aren't paying attention. Let me tell you the way that we handle slovenly work here. We give the girls a choice. We tell them that they can go and work for a company that is interested in low quality work or they can choose to be punished here by Miss Branck and myself. I can assure you that you will not find the punishment comfortable. However, we have noticed that those employees who have been punished are generally, happier and much more productive. Now you also have that choice. Which will it be?" Your heart is racing at a mile a minute. You really don't want to be punished but the thought of it is a turn on and besides, you really don't want to leave the company. "I'll be punished by you.", you say in a whisper. Mr. Rusko smiles. "Miss Branck will prepare you then.", he says. Miss Branck stands up and takes you into the next room. Her look is quite severe. You bow your head submissively and wait for her instructions. "Remove all of your clothing.", she says. Your hands are trembling as you reach for the buttons on your dress. It soon falls to the floor and is soon followed by your, slip, stockings and panties. Soon your are wearing nothing but your jewelry. You wait patiently while you look at the floor. Miss Branck stands back to admire your trim form. Her eyes linger on your shaved pussy and you see her smile. "Very pretty.", she says. She hands you a standard hospital gown that opens in the back. It is short and comes down to just below your buttocks but it does cover you. She turns you around and does up the one tie in the back at the top. She turns you around again and looks to make sure that you are ready. You are mortified that your nipples have become quite hard and that your pussy is soaking wet. She takes you by the arm and brings you back into Mr. Rusko's office. The gown opens with every step you take and you know that in a moment it will be completely exposed. Miss Branck moves to the middle of the room and sits down in a straight-backed chair. "Lie over my lap.", she says to you. Hesitantly you do so, feeling the strange feeling of her nylons against your bare skin. The gown falls naturally to the sides to expose your buttocks to their gaze. You feel her cool hands touch you for the first time. Her left hand is in the small of your back and holds you firmly in the proper position. Her other hand rests gently on your smooth bottom. The spanking starts suddenly and you feel her sharp stinging slaps strike first one cheek then the other. The spanking goes on for some time and the heat rises slowly from your bottom as it continues. The heat travels directly to your pussy as the erotic punishment continues. You know that you are soaking wet and you hope they don't find out. The whole event seems to happen in a daze as though to someone else. Miss Branck stands you up and you feel your bottom is hot. You think that this it is over and you wait for her to bring you back to your clothes. Instead she brings you over to the corner of the room. "You'll stand her 'on display' until we tell you. She says. She places you facing the corner just like a five-year-old who has just been chastised. Your face turns red at the embarrassing position. You feel her hands at your neck and suddenly the gown is untied and she lets it fall to the floor. You are now completely naked in the corner of the office and they have you stand there for perhaps five minutes displaying your red bottom. The heat in your bottom gradually diminishes until the warmest thing about you is wet slit. The spanking by this woman has turned you on and you have no idea what is to come next. The five minutes seem to go on forever and you can sense Mr. Rusko and Miss Branck looking at your helpless body. Finally you hear Mr. Rusko's voice, "All right, then I'll complete your punishment now. Come here." You hesitate for a moment. You know that as you turn around, you will be exposing your entire body to him and you are embarrassed to do that. Blushing yet again, you finally turn around and with your eyes downcast submissively, you shuffle over to him. He has you stand beside his chair for a moment as he looks at you. Your hands have naturally covered yourself and he instructs you to lower them. You do so and he looks directly at your firm breasts and their hard nipples and your shaven slit. You know that your hot juices are easily visible on your bare pussy lips thus betraying your turned on condition. He makes you stand there for a moment while he opens his drawer and takes out a black leather strap and lays it on his desk. His large, strong hands reach out to take your wrists and pull you over his lap. He lays the cold leather strap on your buttocks and you shiver as you imagine the sensation of the spanking to come. His strokes start a moment later and your bottom is given a good paddling. When he stands you up again, your bottom is hot and there are a couple of tears on your cheeks. You stand before them submissively, no longer attempting to cover yourself as they tell you that they expect to see better work from you in the future. You dress hurriedly and leave the building a few minutes later. You are walking in a kind of daze as you find yourself at Jeannie's apartment. She lets you in right away. Her look is concerned as you walk in. "Are you O.K.?", she asks. You nod your head. "Did they.... spank you?" Again you nod your head. "Well, maybe I could put some lotion on for you or something. Would that help?" She leads you into her bedroom and helps take off your dress. You lie on your stomach, naked again in front of a strange woman as she begins gently rubbing lotion into your hot bottom. Her fingers stroke you gently and you feel yourself becoming more and more turned on. You hear her start to breath deeply and without saying anything, you spread your legs slowly apart. Her hands naturally slide lower and lower until her fingers discover your wetness. You turn over and pull her face into your shaven pussy. Her long, hot tongue slides right into you and the licking of your pussy juices is soon followed up by the roving tongue finding your hard clit. Jeannie's hands move up your body to pinch your nipples hard and you let out a loud moan. Your orgasm seems to start deep in your body and spread outward right to your fingertips. It goes on for a long time and you cry out at the pleasure. Afterwards, you and Jeannie lie together, "I know what it's like.", she tells you, "I'm always so turned on after it happens." You rest for awhile before making love again. This time it is you who brings her to a climax. By the time you get home, it is late but it is a warm, smiling, satisfied woman who comes home to recount the hottest story she can remember happening in a long time. STORY # 18 THE MASTER CHRIS COLLECTION ON DISPLAY ________________________________________________________________ It is Saturday evening and we have just finished a fabulous meal. You have prepared a feast fit for kings and the romantic candle-lit dinner has left us both in the mood for a little after-dinner fun. "Come on.", I say, "Let's go play." You give me your coy, little-girl smile. "Yes Sir.", you say. You follow me meekly into the bedroom. You aren't sure quite what to expect as I have made each evening an experience of the unexpected. I have arranged our room with soft lights, and arranged the bed so that you can fall right onto it. Very, very tenderly I start to remove your clothing, kissing each part of you as it comes into view. First your blouse drops to the floor and you feel my hot breath as I kiss your neck and shoulders. You moan softly as I give you a gentle bite. I am standing behind you and you lean back against me as I reach around to undo the front clasp on your bra. The lacy covering slides down your arms and falls to join the silk blouse. You stretch your hands up behind your head and you hold yourself there to expose your breasts fully to me. You know that I love seeing you in this position better than any other. My hands move softly across your smooth skin, stroking it and moving in ever smaller circles toward your already hard nipples. You secretly hope that I'll pinch them but I do not. Instead, they feel the same soft gentle caressing that the rest of you receives. My hands move lower now, stroking your belly and you close your eyes to better experience the feeling as my fingers undo the clasp to your skirt. It falls away from you revealing your pale blue silk panties. They are one of your favorite pairs and you know that they look great on you. You feel me turning and you turn also, still with your hands up behind your head. "Open your eyes.", I whisper. You look to see us reflected in the full length mirror in our bedroom. Your long lanky body is stretched out as though attached to me. Your breasts are flattened against your chest and are topped with your long brown nipples which are already getting hard. You see me slowly sink to my knees behind you and start to slide your panties down your legs. Your shaven pussy and its long slit is slowly revealed. You step out of your panties, now completely naked before me. My hands guide you to the bed lying you down on your front and making sure that you are comfortable. You surrender your body totally to me. You feel my large strong hands touch your feet. They are drenched in warm oil. "Mmmmm.", you say. Starting at your toes, I slowly move all the way up your legs to your bottom. Over and over I rub your legs until all the knots are out. This is totally unexpected but wonderful. From your legs, I move up and start massaging your bottom. The feeling is glorious. You feel my fingers dig deep into the tissue releasing all the tension you have bottled up in your body. Now my hands massage your back in long, strong strokes from the small of your back all the way to your neck. You allow your body to relax like a rag doll and the hot-oil massage begins to sink in. By the time I am done with your back, you are almost asleep. You offer no resistance when I turn you over to begin on your front. I start with your temples and move down your face. You have never had it so good. The massage continues down your body, firmly massaging your arms and fingers and then moving back up to your chest. The hot oil is softly worked into your breasts and nipples and then lower down to your belly and finally you feel your legs being spread apart to receive the last of the massage and oil on the lips of your pussy. The whole process has taken perhaps an hour, maybe less. You are totally relaxed and more than a little turned on. You open your eyes and stretch your hands out to me. "Come here.", you say in a husky voice. I shake my head, smiling. I hold up several silk scarves. "Can I use these on you I ask. You look up into my eyes while a shiver runs through your belly. "O.K.", you whisper. My hands are very gentle as they tie your wrists to the head of the bed. One scarf becomes a gag and your mouth opens wide to offer yourself submissively to it. Now that you are truly helpless, you feel your pussy starting to get very wet. You are totally relaxed, but the anticipation of what may happen next is very exciting. I sit down beside you and begin playing with your slippery nipples. I drip more hot oil on them and begin rubbing it in. You feel my fingers pinching the nipples only to have them escape by slipping though my fingers. You close your eyes, enjoying the constant stimulation. All of a sudden you hear the doorbell ring. The loud sound has you start and your body tries to get up before it remembers that it is attached to the bed. "Shhhhh", I say softly. "Relax. I'll be back in a minute." I leave the room with you still tied to the bed and helplessly gagged. I seem to be gone a long time before I return. When I walk into the room, you are a little relieved and then you see that I am followed by your friends; Bill and Marge! You pull frantically at your bonds trying to get up. Bill and Marge have never seen you in anything else but your Sunday best. Bill is grinning wildly at your exposed body and Marge looks a little shocked. It is obvious from your position exactly what is happening here. Because of the gag you can't even speak to them. Marge is standing at the end of the bed and is trembling a little as she looks at you carefully. 'Perhaps she is wondering what it would be like for her?', you think to yourself. I am sitting down beside you again and you close your eyes in embarrassment. "She loves being dominated.", you hear me say and despite yourself, you feel your face blush red. "I have had her dominated by both men and women. I gave her a massage a little while ago before I tied her up. I think her body is tremendous when it's covered in oil. Her nipples are my favorite. Do you see how hard they are. Look at this, she loves them to be pinched very hard." You feel my fingers at your nipples pulling them hard away from your body. You are unable to contain a moan at the sensation. Your eyes open to see Marge and Bill looking at you closely. You notice that Marge is breathing heavily and looks a little flushed herself. Marge says, "I think we should go." "Please don't.", I say, "She's actually turned on by your being here. Maybe you could do something for her. Could you put these on her nipples?" Marge looks at the nipple clamps with her eyes wide apart. "What are those?", she says in wonder. "They're called nipple clips.", I say. Marge takes them in her hand to examine them. "Don't they hurt?", she asks. "Sure, a little.", I say, "but she really likes them. Marge looks at you questioningly. "Do you really?", she asks in a small voice. You nod your head. She moves slowly over to the side of the bed and I move aside. She sits down beside you and takes one of the clips in one hand. Her fingers are shaking as they pull one of your nipples up and away from your breast to attach the clip to it. Your eyes close and you moan at the sensation. You feel the other nipple being pulled and pinched as Marge attaches the other clip to it. You have never been so embarrassed as right now. You feel Marge standing up and you open your eyes to see both Marge and Bill looking at your body. "Look Honey.", says Bill, her pussy's completely shaved! You feel my hands gently opening your legs and you try to keep them closed. "Bill", I say, "would you please tie her other knee like this one?" Between the two of us your knees are now tied wide apart thus exposing your embarrassingly wet pussy lips. My fingers pull your tender pussy lips wide apart to further expose you to your friends. "One of the things she enjoys best", I say, "is to be punished. Take a look at some of these pictures." You see me take out our private album and show the pictures of you being spanked just like a little girl. The album contains graphics pictures of you and despite the already exposing position you are now in, you find yourself embarrassed again. Bill is standing just behind Marge as they look through the album together. You can see that Marge is turned on by the photographs and you see Bills hands reach around her to play with her breasts. She leans back against him and allows him to undo her blouse and slip his hands in to hold her firm breasts. They stop at one picture in particular. "I'll be attaching her like that in a few minutes." I say, "I figure that I'll give her a good spanking until her bottom is pink and then I'll use her vibrator on her until she comes while hanging there. Do you like using a vibrator Marge?" Marge looks down submissively as she whispers yes. Your vibrator is on the table beside you. You see me pick it up and hand it to Marge. Her blouse is now completely open and Bill completes the job by removing it from her shoulders to reveal her trim breasts topped with tiny pink nipples. "Here Marge", I say, "play with her with it. Just don't let her come yet." Marge turns on the toy and begins touching your hot, oiled body with the humming instrument. She starts at the inside of your bound knees and works her way upward. Soon you are straining to be touched directly on your pussy but Marge won't allow it. She touches you all over, first your belly, next your breasts, then the nipple clips and finally back to your upper thighs but it is a long time before you feel the vibrator right on your clit. She can't leave it there long because it will only take a moment for you to come and she won't allow it. It seems like an eternity for you as your body writhes in its bonds seeking relief. Finally she stops, you open your eyes to see that everyone's clothes are now on the floor and Bill is sporting an erection that is, to say the least, impressive. Bill and I untie you and reattach you standing with your hands tied to the ceiling. Your legs are attached wide apart to leave you completely accessible to us. Marge stands in front of you and presses her body against your own slippery one. Bill stands behind her and reaches around to remove your nipple clips. He takes first one then the other and places them on Marge's pink nipples instead. She gasps as she feels the piquant pinch of the clamps for the first time ever. Marge stands behind you now and you turn your head to see her holding a small leather strap. You see her slide one hand into her brown haired pussy while the other swings the leather against your buttocks. The first few strokes are very light but soon she is smacking your smooth bottom in sharp stinging strokes. The spanking turns you on even more. It does not take long and it is over. You feel Marge's hand rubbing your bottom and feeling the heat rising from it. One then two of her fingers slide into your dripping pussy to wet themselves and then they move further behind you to lubricate your tight bottom. You reach up on your toes and moan behind the silk gag as her fingers go particularly deep. Bill is standing in front of you and you feel the tip of his massive hard-on nudging against your pussy. Marge slides her fingers deep into your body and you move forward naturally, thus impaling yourself on Bill's cock. Marge controls the rhythm now as her fingers slide in and out of your rear pushing you harder and harder onto Bill's cock. You know you are close to coming but it is not to be allowed yet. Marge removes her fingers and they are quickly replaced by my cock. Now you are filled as never before. Bill's large organ fills your pussy completely while my cock fills your bottom. You close your eyes, savoring the sensation. You hear the hum of the vibrator again and it touches your sensitive breasts just as Bill and I start sliding in and out of you. You feel me press against your well-spanked bottom and you are even more turned on by the feeling. You open your eyes to look right into Marge's. You open your mouths and your tongues touch in a sensitive kiss that connects you all together. Bill and I start thrusting in a perfect rhythm. He pulls out as I push in then visa versa. Your body feels like its turning inside out. You feel my body tighten in the beginning of my orgasm. The feeling is too much for you and you feel both your pussy and ass tighten on Bill and I as your orgasm starts from the depths of your belly and flows outward. You cry out hard against the gag, letting yourself scream really for the first time in your life as we all begin coming together. Even Marge, with two fingers deep in her pussy moans as her orgasm mingles with yours. It is perhaps the most exquisite sensation you have ever encountered.